In accordance with Swiss law, art. 23 of the Articles of Association limits the number of comparable functions at other companies with an economic purpose (including their group) that members of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee are allowed to have at one time. As of 31 December 2023, the members of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee carried out the following activities or mandates in comparable functions at other companies with an economic purpose (including their group) as per art. 734e CO:
Peter Wilden, Chair
Outside mandates at listed companies
Outside mandates at non-listed companies
Patrick Aebischer, Vice-Chair and Lead Independent Director
Outside mandates at listed companies
Outside mandates at non-listed companies
Erik Schropp, Member
Outside mandates at listed companies
Outside mandates at non-listed companies
Jane Salik, Member
Outside mandates at listed companies
Outside mandates at non-listed companies
Beat In-Albon, Independent member
Outside mandates at listed companies
Outside mandates at non-listed companies
Philippe Weber, Independent member
Outside mandates at listed companies
Outside mandates at non-listed companies
Dorothee A. Deuring, Independent member
Outside mandates at listed companies
Outside mandates at non-listed companies
Juan José González, Chief Executive Officer
Outside mandates at listed companies
Outside mandates at non-listed companies
Lalit Ahluwalia, Former Chief Financial Officer ad interim
Outside mandates at listed companies
Outside mandates at non-listed companies
Christina Del Vecchio, General Counsel
Outside mandates at listed companies
Outside mandates at non-listed companies
Neil James Thompson, Director Global Sales and Marketing
Outside mandates at listed companies
Outside mandates at non-listed companies
Jens Fricke, Director Global Operations
Outside mandates at listed companies
Outside mandates at non-listed companies
Marc Augustin, Chief Financial Officer as of 1 January 2024
Outside mandates at listed companies
Outside mandates at non-listed companies
For additional information regarding the business experience, education and activities of each member of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee, refer to section 3.1 “Members of the Board of Directors” and section 4.1 “Members of the Executive Committee”, respectively, of the Corporate Governance Report 2023.