Corporate Responsibility
PolyPeptide strives to adhere to fundamental principles of business ethics, corporate responsibility, and compliance as laid out in the company’s Code of Conduct. Building on its core values of innovation, excellence, and trust, PolyPeptide pursues an integrated strategy (see chapter Strategy) to incorporate the material environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects as part of its strategic priorities.
With the IPO and the listing on SIX Swiss Exchange in April 2021, PolyPeptide implemented a governance structure consistent with the Swiss Code of Best Practice for Corporate Governance issued by economiesuisse and international requirements (also see Corporate Governance Report). A new Board of Directors was elected, along with the establishment of the Innovation & Technology, the Remuneration & Nomination, and the Audit & Risk Committees. In the second half of 2021, the Group also created the position of General Counsel at the level of the Executive Committee, and towards the end of the year further reinforced the overall organization, including new global responsibilities for Quality as well as Employee Health & Safety (EH&S). Effective 1 January 2022, the PolyPeptide Management Committee (PMC) was established to ensure the effective implementation of the Group’s integrated strategy.
At PolyPeptide, the overall ESG responsibility lies with the Board of Directors. In the second half of 2021, the Group with support of Finch & Beak, a specialized advisory firm, conducted an ESG materiality assessment following a structured process aligned with applicable standards. As a result of this process, twelve material ESG topics were identified. The Board of Directors assigned these topics to its committees, approving the integrated strategy approach and setting the Group’s ESG agenda.
The responsibility for the implementation of the Group’s ESG agenda has been delegated to the PolyPeptide Management Committee and the ESG Steering Committee. In line with the strategic priority to foster collaboration as “OnePolyPeptide”, a Group-wide approach is pursued, building on the solid groundwork laid at each site in previous years. All relevant functions are represented in the ESG Steering Committee and each material ESG topic has been assigned to the manager of the respective global function in order to make sure that the ESG aspects are adequately reflected within the functional plans and in the day-to-day local activities.
PolyPeptide conducted its materiality assessment in a five-step process in a cross-functional working group that included global function heads and selected Executive Committee members.
The first step consisted of a comprehensive desk research on relevant ESG trends, current and emerging regulations as well as applicable rating and reporting standards, complemented by a peer analysis. This resulted in a list of all sustainability-related topics. Secondly, duplicates were removed and overlapping topics were clustered. The resulting long list of topics was discussed with the working group in order to incorporate feedback and include missing topics. In a third step, the list was further evaluated by the working group for risks and opportunities. This provided first insights on the outside-in impact of ESG topics on PolyPeptide.
In the fourth step, the stakeholder relevance was assessed through interviews with internal stakeholders. This was followed by the fifth and final step with an internal workshop session in which the working group assessed both, the outside-in impact (financial materiality impact) and the inside-out impact (societal materiality impact), also to comply with the concept of double materiality. Along the process, feedback on materiality and all definitions were requested and validated.
As the result, a total of twelve material ESG topics were identified with clear definitions derived from applicable standards and with reference to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs; see table below). PolyPeptide endorses the UN Agenda 2030 and considers the SDGs launched in 2015 as an important reference point to determine and manage its own material ESG topics. Fully acknowledging the comparably limited size and impact of its business, PolyPeptide through its integrated strategy still aims to contribute to the agenda of the world community.
Topic |
Definition at PolyPeptide |
SDG 1 |
SDG target |
Business ethics and compliance |
Complying with applicable laws and conducting business with high ethical standards. This includes topics such as corruption and bribery, political contributions, taxation, transparency, as well as anti-competitive practices. |
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Circular waste management |
Minimize waste generation and resulting pollution, such as wastewater discharge, incineration and landfilling, by engaging in circular waste management practices such as re-designing production processes, use materials more effectively, reducing the use of scarce raw materials, and engaging in reuse, recycling, repurposing, remanufacturing, and chemical recovery of waste. |
12.4 12.5 |
Climate change mitigation |
Adopting internal procedures to avoid combustion and fugitive emissions to reduce Scope 1 GHG emissions. Sourcing energy from renewable resources to reduce Scope 2 emissions and reducing Scope 3 emissions such as from suppliers, purchased goods and services and their transportation, as well as work-related travel, leased assets and investments. |
13.1 13.2 |
Data protection |
Running a secure and up-to-date digital environment to safeguard the privacy of employees, customers and suppliers, as well as of sensitive intellectual property, product, and, business information. |
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Diversity and inclusion |
Hiring, promoting and including individuals from different genders and underrepresented social groups. Enabling every employee to perform at their best by ensuring equal pay for equal work, adopting a zero-tolerance policy towards discrimination and creating a fair, inclusive and mutually respectful working environment. |
5.1 5.5 |
8.5 |
Environmental protection |
Prevent any form of accidental pollution, such as chemical spills, poisonous fugitive emissions and explosions, that have a damaging effect on the surrounding environment and biodiversity. Assessing the local environment in terms of water scarcity, land use and nearby biodiversity areas when considering site expansions. Conserving water, energy and other local natural resources. |
3.9 |
7.3 |
8.4 |
12.2 |
Employee safety |
Ensuring the health and safety of employees by providing a contained environment and safety trainings as well as encouraging employees to report on incidents and near misses to constantly improve safety protocols. |
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Green chemistry |
Applying the principles of green chemistry to produce process innovations and products with a lower environmental footprint. This includes reducing solvents in the production, as well as phasing out hazardous and substances of concern. Partnering with universities, industry organizations and other parties to engage in shared innovation and further advance the industry in a responsible manner. |
9.4 9.5 |
12.4 |
Product quality |
Ensuring high quality and safety of products. This includes following good manufacturing practices (GMP), receiving approval from regulatory agencies such as the US FDA, customer audits and internationally recognized certification standard such as ISO. |
3.8 |
People development |
Attracting the right talent needed to further grow our business operations. Providing employees with trainings and opportunities for growth, as well as respecting their needs and a healthy work-life balance in order to ensure employee retention. |
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Stakeholder dialogue |
Engage in a solution-oriented dialogue with stakeholders on a regular basis in order to identify risks and solve issues before they become financially material. Enabling employees to give back to local communities through corporate citizenship programs. |
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Supply chain engagement |
Actively working with suppliers to ensure responsible environmental and human rights practices as set out in the Supplier Code of Conduct. This includes holding collaborative sessions to identify, monitor and mitigate risks, offering a whistleblower hotline, as well as setting targets and applying due diligence mechanisms to new business relations. |
8.7 |
The twelve material ESG topics have been clustered under the headings of “Sustainability partner”, “Employer of choice” and “Business excellence” and will be managed as integral part of PolyPeptide’s strategy. The Group believes that the integration of the identified material ESG topics into its strategy is the most effective way to continuously improve and to meet both business needs and stakeholder expectations, ultimately to benefit the health of millions of patients around the world. PolyPeptide thereby aims for long-term partnerships, with the material ESG topics of green chemistry, people development and supply chain engagement seen as particular customer value enhancing and differentiating opportunities.
As part of its ESG agenda, the Group plans to consistently report on ESG matters, benefiting in many relevant areas from the groundwork laid over recent years, for example:
PolyPeptide sees the ESG materiality assessment and the implementation of a robust ESG governance as the formalization and strengthening of efforts that started a few years ago.
For example, the sites manage their environmental, health and safety (EH&S) performance at local level, with relevant consolidated performance indicators being part of the Group’s balanced scorecard. The Group achieved its goals for 2021with less than one lost time incident per 100 employees and zero reportable environmental incidents. The environmental management system to identify, manage, control and monitor environmental impact at the site in Braine-l’Alleud (Belgium) reached the ISO14001 certification in 2021.
The Group uses the sustainability rating services of EcoVadis whose methodology covers a broad range of non-financial matters, including the protection of the environment or the consideration of social and ethical aspects in the business conduct. Starting with a rating for the production sites in Malmö (Sweden) and Braine-l’Alleud in 2019, the coverage was gradually expanded covering four out of the six GMP manufacturing sites in 2021. In 2021, the site in Torrance (California, USA) was awarded a silver rating, which currently also is the rating for the sites in Malmö, Braine-l’Alleud, and Strasbourg (France).
In the fourth quarter of 2021, PolyPeptide conducted a global Code of Conduct e-learning program to reinforce the rules and behaviors for day-to-day business and to protect employees and the interests of the company. By the end of 2021, 98% of online trainings had been completed.
Efforts in 2021, also in context of the IPO, included the implementation of a Trading Policy as well as a Disclosure Policy with new Communications Guidelines. In addition, a whistleblower program has been established to detect corrupt, illegal, or other unethical conduct and to protect the global reputation of the Group. It includes an independent 24/7 hotline in three languages operated by an independent third-party service provider.
The Board of Directors mandated an ESG implementation plan with specific tasks for 2022, with progress to be reported going forward:
In pursuing these activities, PolyPeptide seeks continuous improvement through a pragmatic, though effective and integrated approach. Taking into consideration the complexity of the business and the still emerging requirements, this first Corporate Responsibility Report has not been prepared in accordance with any recognized standards and has not been externally assured. The company plans to decide during 2022 on an ESG reporting standard to be implemented for the financial year 2023 and to be published in 2024.