5Compensation, shareholdings and loans

Information on compensation and shareholdings of the members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee can be found under the section 4 “Compensation framework for the Board of Directorssection 5 “Compensation framework for the Executive Committeeand section 7 “Ownership of shares and options” in the Remuneration Report 2021.

According to art. 28 of the Articles of Association, the Company shall not grant loans, credits, pension benefits (other than from occupational pension funds) or securities to the members of the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee. Advance payments of fees for lawyers, court fees and similar costs relating to the defense against corporate liability claims up to a maximum amount of CHF 1,000,000 are not subject to these general restrictions.

Furthermore, in principle, there will be no payments to pension funds or similar institutions for the members of the Board of Directors. In exceptional cases, such payments may be made upon request of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee and subject to the approval by the general meeting if the members in question do not have other insurable income from subordinate employment.

For additional information, see the section 4.3 “Loans and credits” of the Remuneration Report 2021 and section 5.3 “Loans and credits” of the Remuneration Report 2021.